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I'm New, What Should I Expect?

Fellowship Lunch

10am Sunday Worship

When you arrive, please enter via the carpark door into the hall, and you will be welcomed by a volunteer helper. There is no dress code so come as you feel comfortable (most people wear smart casual). We value people of all ages, and children are most welcome and included in our time of worship. For infants, we have quiet spaces and change facilities if you need them, but children of all ages are most welcome to stay in the service and we have activity packs available to share. There is also no need to bring anything for church - everything you will need is provided - or you can bring your own Bible if you would like.


Our preaching seeks to move systematically through the books of the Bible and understand all that God has to say to us through His Word. 


We celebrate the

Lord's Supper every few months. Baptism is also available for new adult believers, and the children of believers. 


Prayer is foundational to our worship. Prayers are offered at multiple points during the service.


A collection is taken up (or given online) which provides an opportunity to contribute to the financial needs of Christian ministry, both in Colac and more broadly.

Visitors should feel no obligation to give - you are welcome to be our guest.


We currently sing a collection of classic hymns accompanied by organ. Rejoice hymn books and lyrics are provided.  


Fellowship is one of the great joys of being part of the church family. We share morning tea following the service each week, and enjoy a shared lunch on the first Sunday of each month. All are welcome!

Morning Tea

Weekday Church Life

As Christians we recognize that our faith is not something that can be limited to a few hours on a Sunday. We believe that Jesus transforms our entire lives, and therefore our lives should be shaped by the Gospel and focused on Christ.


Our Elders are concerned for the spiritual well-being of all who attend the Colac Presbyterian Church. The Elders can help to answer questions regarding faith, pray with and for you, or provide practical assistance. If you would like the Minister or an Elder to call or visit you please use the contact details at the bottom of the page.

Bible Studies

Tuesday 7pm &

Wednesday 10am

If you don't know much about the Bible but want to learn more, our mid-week Bible Studies are for you!

During the week we meet up in small groups to explore the Bible together.

Groups meet informally (at the church and in homes). We encourage you to bring your own Bible along, but if you don't have one, don't stress, we have plenty to share! 

Prayer Meeting

Our Sunday morning prayer meeting provides an opportunity for us to gather and pray for the ongoing needs of our congregation and the local community.

If you have any prayer requests please contact us with the email below, or join us at 9.30am in the Meeting Room.

Little Lambs

Little Lambs

Play Space

Friday mornings during Term 9.30-11.30am for

Parents & Pre-Schoolers (0-6)

Term 4 = $3/Child, $5/Family, $20/Term (7 weeks).

Join us at 10.30am for a Children's Bible Story & Song!

Enjoy a cuppa while your kids play, chat to other parents, and meet the friendly volunteers from our church.

Please keep an eye on our Facebook page for any updates.

(All ministries involving children

follow strict Safe Church

policies and procedures).


Indoor Bowls Club

Every Friday at 1.15pm

Our Indoor Carpet Bowls Club has been running for four decades, and is a fun and social way to spend your Friday afternoon - no matter the weather!

Come along and have a go -whether you have years of experience with bowls, or if you're just a beginner, you'll be sure of a good time!

Followed by afternoon tea.

A small contribution is requested for mat fees.


Ladies' Guild & PWMU

1.30pm - first Wednesday

of the month

The Presbyterian Women’s Missionary Union (PWMU) was founded in 1890 with a vision to send gospel workers overseas with the good news of Jesus Christ.

Our local branch meets on the first Wednesday each month.

For more information, visit PWMU Victoria.

Men's Breakfast

Each month our men will gather for a time of good food, encouragement, and discipleship.

Stay tuned for more information.

Children's Space

Colac Presbyterian Church

90-94 Armstrong Street

Colac Victoria 3250

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Join us for worship on Sundays at 10am!

Online Giving Details:

Scots Presbyterian Church Colac

BSB: 033 217

Account: 260 517

ABN: 30 017 977 661

ACNC Registered


© 2024 Colac Presbyterian Church.

All rights reserved.

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