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Meet Our Pastoral Team


The term 'Presbyterian' comes from the biblical Greek word ‘presbuteros’ meaning Elder.

Each Presbyterian Church has a body of Elders which function as a team, called a Session, which governs the local church. Session takes account of the needs and concerns of members, but has authority for decision making in the life of the church.


The Session meets monthly, and is responsible for the spiritual oversight of the congregation.

All pastoral concerns can be directed to the members of the Session. 

Rev. Ben Johnson

Interim Moderator

(Warrnambool Presbyterian Church)

Ben came to Pastor WPC in January 2008 and Louise is a secondary school teacher.

Now empty nesting with their three children in three different states, Ben and Louise look after a Red and Blue Heeler at home (Maggie and Indi).  They enjoy being active outdoors and being inside with books or film media.  

More than anything else, they love to see people come to know Jesus and enjoy the blessing of living in community with others as disciples of Jesus.

Pastor Cameron Weir

Cameron Weir

Licentiate Minister

(Teaching Elder)

Cameron grew up on a farm in Bendigo and met Annie while studying at the Presbyterian Theological College. Now a graduate, Cameron has been sent to Colac to commence full-time ministry! Cameron and Annie are thrilled to be back living in the country, and raising their young family. Cam loves all things mechanical, hunting & fishing, and tinkering on his projects.

Above all, he loves the truth of the Gospel and sharing its powerful message with anyone who desires to hear.

Steve Kelly


Geoff Cross


Neil Stewart


Our Vision & Mission

Our ‘VISION STATEMENT’ describes what kind of church we hope to be.
Our ‘MISSION STATEMENT’ describes how we will move towards that goal.

Vision Statement

Summary Vision Statement:
By God’s grace we exist to glorify and enjoy God through worship, the teaching of God’s word, evangelism, service, and fellowship, always in the light of the inspired Scriptures and relying on God’s presence, power and wisdom.

Read our full Vision Statement Here:

Mission Statement



Through the Holy Spirit, God gives eternal life to those who trust in Jesus for their salvation.
Faith comes from hearing the message about Jesus.
We therefore prioritise the preaching and teaching of God’s Word (the Bible) in the ministry of our church.

Romans 10:14-17, Acts 2:36b-38,
2 Timothy 3:16-17



Through the Holy Spirit, God gives eternal life to those who trust in Jesus for their salvation.
We hope to see this reality manifested through transformed lives that glorify and honour God.

Romans 10:9-11, Ephesians 2:1-10, 2 Corinthians 5:17-18, Romans 12:1-2



God has saved us for a life of service—not only to Him but also to each other. We want to serve God because He first served us by sending Jesus to die for our sins.

Deuteronomy 13:4, Philippians 2:5-11,

Mark 10:43-45, James 2:14-17



We want to share with others not only the Gospel, but our lives as well. We desire that our church would be a loving community of believers who proclaim the good news of Jesus.

Matthew 28:18-20, 1 Peter 3:15, 1 Thessalonians 2:7b-8

The Presbyterian Church

Colac Presbyterian Church is a congregation of the Presbyterian Church of Victoria (PCV), which itself is part of the Presbyterian Church of Australia (PCA). Our beliefs are consistent with the Reformed Evangelical doctrine articulated in the Westminster Confession of Faith and Statements of both the PCV and PCA.  

You can access these documents through the PCV and PCA websites:

Colac Presbyterian Church

90-94 Armstrong Street

Colac Victoria 3250

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Online Giving Details:

Scots Presbyterian Church Colac

BSB: 033 217

Account: 260 517

ABN: 30 017 977 661

ACNC Registered


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All rights reserved.

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